Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 10: Just the Beginning...

This will not be my last post in March. 

Yes, I've reached the end of the Great Grad Writing Project, but I have not reached the end of my writerly experience (I never will)! In fact, this is only the beginning...

I've mentioned (in one forum or another) that writing has become an escape for me; something to free my mind of the day's chaos and just reflect, relax. I don't think I could ever give that up now. 

I've also so enjoyed getting to know my peers through their own posts. Everyone has such different writing styles (Amanda, so honest, Kristen, straight and to the point, Jessica R.,whose limited words offer deep insight, Megan, whose posts can get anyone to nod their head in agreement, Katie, whose words get you thinking, Jessica B., whose blog is filled with optimism, and, of course, Dr. Ferreri, whose posts inspired us all to be writers this month) through which I've grown to know them on a different level. And through which, I hope, they have gotten to see a different side of me. 

At this point, I may not be able to write EVERY day. But, a few times a week, it would be nice to sit down and write something to share with others. Who knows, maybe I will even become part of a professional network of bloggers?!

Until that time comes, though, I will be thankful that (through moans and groans) Dr. Ferreri insisted we engage in this activity. I really have seen myself grow as a writer (less writer's block) and begin to actually ENJOY the act of writing. 

So, to end this 10-day journey, I leave you with a haiku (my new favorite form of poetry, thanks to 6004 & this blog):

Write your hearts out, kids
Your thoughts: Worth their weight in gold
It's never too late


  1. I have really enjoyed reading your blog as well! I will be checking back soon for the next chapter in your story!

  2. I am glad you wrote...even if it was hard...and hope you will keep you get out of practice, it is hard to maintain that writerly perspective that is so CLEARLY shining through these days!
