Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Counted Thought

As I strolled through the $1 bins in Target, I came across packs of these charming greeting cards. Never one to say no to a sensible deal, I scooped them up. 

Two days ago, I entered the bathroom at 5:30 AM to begin my daily routine. There, waiting for me on the counter, was a bottle of Argon oil. I had briefly mentioned to my mom weeks before that I had wanted to try this miracle oil out on my hair. My whole morning was brightened now that I had this new product to try. 

I decided to share this feeling with her in a note. "Just a note," to be exact. I expressed my gratitude and awe at all she managed to do for my family. I left it leaning on the coffee maker- something for HER to discover in her morning routine. 

Yesterday, I was required to observe a second grade classroom as part of my new teacher training. Now, it was mandatory, but I still felt it was kind of that teacher to take me in and show me the ways of a second grade Language Arts class. When I got home, I reached for that pack of $1 cards to say "thank you!" to the woman who, on top of teaching eight squirming children, found the time to explain her lessons to me. When she receives the card on Monday, I hope it lightens her day the way small gestures sometimes can. 

The moral of the story: You really can find happiness in a good deal- or something like that :)


  1. I LOVE thank you notes. My grandma always used to send them faithfully, no matter how small the gesture. I am always on the lookout for new, cute thank you cards. I'm jealous that you found such adorable ones in Target - I'll have to keep my eye out.

  2. What a wonderful way to say thanks and acknowledge the kindness...I used to do so...and need to get back into thanking others for all they do for me. I'll start here. Thank you for brightening my day today and every day. I am VERY lucky to be able to share your journey.
